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The Artist and Iconographic Process

“I like his brush. The faces he paints are so alive.” – said our client from Los Angeles. Bright colours, precise lines and details. А master of multi-figure bible scenes, which he draw impressively even in a small format.”

“It is a great pleasure to work with our artist. He is not only talanted, but he also works hard everyday for his elaboration in the iconography. We work together more than 20 years and he has made over 3000 icons – for orders, projects and charity exhibitions. That’s why we can say he is a real professional. He uses ancient methods for creating icons and the old prototypes he follows are in monasteries, cathedrals and museums. Everyone who has seen his icons said he had a special hand for iconography. “Boris and Nadia (Art Gallery Paris – Sofia, Bulgaria)

The iconographic process in 7 steps

1. Preparing the solid wood

2. Grounding the board

3. Manual sanding with glass paper

4. Copying the contours of the icon

5. Gilding and laying of primary colors

6. The main painting process – drawing the faces, clothes and other elements of the composition.

7. Varnishing: first shellac and after that – a protective final varnish.

The iconographic process :: step by step photos